How do you get those absorption backgrounds, free of EXAFS?  I can see it
for Kr, but how did you do it for the other,
chemically-reactive elements?

In short: we've chosen at least two compounds of each element with especially simple
EXAFS signal (mostly glasses), modeled this signal and eliminated it from the original
data. This residual is used as an approximate atomic absorption background for the
other sample, whose spectrum, after subtraction of this background, is the basis for
an improved EXAFS model. Afterwards, the role of the two spectra is switched.
After a few steps the published estimates were obtained.

The procedure is described in the article:

Padeznik Gomilsek, J., Kodre, A., Arcon, I., Loireau-Lozac'h, A., Benazeth, Multielectron photoexcitations in x-ray-absorption spectra of 4p elements. Phys. rev., A, 1999, vol. 59, no. 4, 3078-3081

Some information can be found on Iztok Arcon's website:

Best regards,
