I recently updated my mac OSX and had to change for iXAFS on my OSX 10.8 to the demeter servers on 10.12
It was runing fine, untill Athena crashed. When I was trying to restart it, it was frozen, asking me if I want to open the autosave file, but no being able to click anywhere.
All the posts online says that you want to find the file athena.autosave in your Mac in the folder $home/.horae/stash
The trick is that you CANNOT see these folders by default in your Mac. To show the hidden folders in your system, you have to type into your terminal
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
killall Finder
Once you have done that, you can find the .horae folder ONLY manually in $home/.horae/stash. A search in your folder finder will NOT work.
I deleted the Athena.autosave folder, AND open the Demeter.ini file (in $home/.horae/downloads) and chance “autosave=true” for “autosave=false”.
Once you are done, you can hide the folders again by typing
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
killall Finder
Now, everything is running smoothly. But I don’t have any autosave : I autosave myself regularly!
Enjoy a long life with Athena!