If my memory is correct there was a
period of time you were taking request for improvements on Athena. This
may be too late however I would like to see the LCF function of Athena
capable of running multiple models (sequential models e.g. Sample
A followed by B, C...) using a similar set of standards. For instances,
I may have 25-40 spectra (environmental samples), one set of standards
which may be plausible, and currently I have to run the model wait for
the LCF model for sample A to finish before starting Sample B. If there
was a way to write a script or add the functionality of multiple scans
from the same set of standards, I (and maybe others) could set up a computer
and leave for several hours instead of returning every 5-30 mins to execute
a new LCF model. A conversation was posted about running models with a
large number of standards (and whether it was appropriate), similarly running
multiple samples is cumbersome.
In a related comment I have tried to
take advantage of access to high speed computing, but Athena's code does
not appear to be capable of taking advantage of increased resources (either
RAM and CPU) in order to decrease computational time.
All the same thanks (to the many
of you working on Ifeffit) for the shareware and all your support.
Thanks for your time.
Bradley W. Miller, Ph.D.
Post Doctoral Fellow
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division
5995 Center Hill Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224-1702
Office: (513) 487-2889 Miller.BradleyW@epa.gov
Fax: (513) 569-7879
The great tragedy of Science—the slaying of beautiful hypothesis by an
ugly fact.— Thomas H. Huxley
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