Hi Stefano,
I tried reproducing the problem and my copy of artemis (from the 61 installer) works without a hitch.  I tried one of my multiple edge fit projects as well as the Cu single shell fit and both worked.  I don't have a /usr/local/libpgplot.dylib on my system as well.  The problem is thus something different between the machine environments (as the installer just puts the binary files in their proper places).  I will look into it.  I have been using Bruces compile scripts for the compilation of each version of horae and they are a little crusty (and I don't understand all of their details) so the problem may be in a dynamic lookup specification.  As a quick check -- Do you have any DYLDLIB related environment variables set that might force the system to look in particular places for dynamic libraries?  I will bounce this off Bruce (as we are both at the APS here at Argonne) and see if he has a similar problem.  Right now all I have is my powerbook with me and horae works so to track down the problem, we are going to have to figure out what is different between our systems.  The simplest possible difference (I have a /usr/local/lib/libpgplot.dylib file and you don't) isn't the case.  The pgplot library in question should be in /Applications/Ifeffit/pgplot/libpgplot.a.

On Apr 7, 2006, at 2:13 AM, Stefano Ciurli wrote:

Hi Paul,

I have updated the binary installer for Mac OS 10.4 to include the latest horae (061).  There should hopefully be no problems.  To simplify some problems that have occurred in the past, the installer now refuses to work if the /usr/X11R6 folder is not present (e.g. if X11 is not installed).  If there are any problems, please let me know.

I installed the package from ifeffit-1.2.8-Mac10.4_horae61_pkg.dmg. I get Artemis to exit (crashing) when I run a fit from the examples folder (copper). Also, if I run the ifeffit command from any unix shell window I get the following message:

stefano% ifeffit
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libpgplot.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/Ifeffit/bin/ifeffit
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap

Any clues? The  ifeffit-1.2.8-Mac10.4_pkg.dmg installer causes the same identical problem.
PS: my OSX is 10.4.6, but also 10.4.5 did not work

Stefano Ciurli
Professor of Chemistry
Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry
Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology
University of Bologna
Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40
I-40127 Bologna
Phone:      +39-051-209-6204
Fax:    +39-051-209-6203

"Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza"
Dante Alighieri - Inferno - Canto XXVI

"Ihr seid bestimmt, nicht Tieren gleich zu leben,
Nein, Tugend zu erringen und Erkenntnis"
"Ye were not form'd to live the life of brutes,
But virtue to pursue and knowledge high"
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