Dear Bruce, dear all, After installing demeter on my computer, I am now trying to install it on our beamline: a Ubuntu 12.04 machine. I followed https://gist.github.com/waveform80/3959252 instructions and I have a problem with PDL::Stats that persists as "not installed" dependency (see depsPDL_errors_2015-08-13.txt). I can find the corresponding package (libpdl-stats-perl) only for later Ubuntu versions thus I tried to install PDL::Stats via metacpan (cpanm PDL::Stats), but it failed (see cpanmbuild_PDLStats_2015-08-13.txt, which is the /home/fame/.cpanm/build.log mentioned at the end of the file itself). Does anyone has a solution to help me installing this missing dependency? Thank you very much in advance. Isabelle -- Isabelle KIEFFER, Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS ESRF - ligne CRG FAME (BM30B) BP 220 - 38 043 Grenoble CEDEX - France Tel : +33 (0)4 76 88 25 47 - Bureau : LOB 2-50