Hi Folks,

Larch 0.9.41 is now available, with installers for Windows, MacOS, and Linux at

If you have already installed Larch 0.9.39 or later, you should be able to update to the latest version with `conda update -c gsecars xraylarch`,

Larch 0.9.41 is about six months in the making.  There have been some important improvements in XAFS and XANES analysis, including improved MBACK algorithm (thanks Marco Alsina!) and many bugfixes and in the XAS Viewer GUI for pre-edge peak-fitting and linear combination analysis. 

Significant improvements have also been made X-ray microprobe analysis, including for XRF analysis as well as XRF and XRD mapping tools, including support for reconstructing X-ray fluorescence and diffraction tomography data.   Larch now includes the very useful Dioptas GUI for XRD patterns from Clemens Prescher.  At the very least, this can be used to view and calibrate X-ray diffraction data ("replace Fit2D") using pyFAI and related libraries from the folks at ESRF.

For Python programmers: 

Version 0.9.41 makes a small but significant step toward making Larch a "more normal Python library", so that Python scripts using Larch as a library can avoid having to create and keep a running interpreter for many basic analysis steps, including interacting with the database of X-ray properties that includes data from Elam et al, Chantler, and so on. 

Version 0.9.41 works with Python 3.7, 3.6, and 2.7.  The installers linked above are built with Anaconda Python 3.6.   Most dependencies are also available as conda or pip packages for Python 3.7, and some are available with Python 2.7.

This is the last version of Larch to be tested with Python 2.7.  We will not deliberately break Python 2.7 until after 0.9.42 is released, at which point Larch will stop working with Python 2.7.   We expect this to happen in two or three months.   In the meantime, we will not intentionally break things for Python 2 but will no longer test or support Python 2.

Please let us know if you having any questions or trouble.


--Matt Newville