That's great. Even though it will be several years, I'll still want to see the result when it happens. What you describe is
exactly what I think is needed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Calvin"
Hi Matthew,
Heh. Although this doesn't help you, I figure I'll take this opportunity to give a brief plug for my own project.
I am in the beginning stages of developing a textbook "at the undergraduate level" on EXAFS analysis (primarily; I plan chapters on XANES, sample preparation, etc. as well). "At the undergraduate level" is in quotes because it's really not what I envision as the primary audience. Instead, it's for more or less the audience that takes the short courses: people who want to add EXAFS as a characterization technique in their arsenal, understand what they read about it in the literature better, and the like. In those cases, I don't think people need to know the ins and outs of Green's functions, for instance.
Unfortunately, it won't be done for several years. :(
--Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College
At 03:36 PM 5/8/2007, you wrote:
On another topic, do you know of a good book or review on EXAFS newer than Konigsberger&Prins and the others from that classic era? I occasionally get asked and it seems absurd that I should have to recommend something from the 1980's.
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