On Oct 12, 2016, at 7:19 PM, Matt Newville <newville@cars.uchicago.edu> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi Sean,On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Sean Fackler <swfackler@lbl.gov> wrote:Dear Larch developers (Matt),I believe I found an error in the mback function where I get a NameError saying the name ‘f1_chantler’ is not defined. I found that simply adding f1_chantler to the larch_plugins.xray import section in mback.py fixes the problem. I have included the modified mback.py code, my input data (SigScan226827.txt), project code (mback_test.py), and the error I received (mback_error.txt).I am running python 2.7 with anaconda as my manager, macOS Sierra v10.12, on a mid-2015 15” MacBook pro. I hope this report is correct and helpful.Regards,SeanSean Fackler, PhD
Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
1 Cyclotron Rd Mail Stop 30R0205
Berkeley CA, 94720
Mobile: 609-613-8734Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the complete report. You're absolutely right, f1_chantler was just missing. Fix in github master.--Matt
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