HI, Bruce and Matt

I have two questions for you, please help me.

1. I collected U EXAFS data on APS 10-ID, while I input a single data file with reference data in Athena, it was OK, however, when I input multiple data files (scans) also with reference data, it was crushed. I could input multiple data files without reference data, which Matt helped me trouble shoot. The Demeter 8.24 version is used on my computer, I believe. Matt suggested me to update to the current version. I do not know if other users have this problem.

2. I have a U EXAFS data file which was collected at SSRL, however, I could not input this data file using Athena, how to fix this? format? See the attachment. thanks you so much.

Dien Li, Ph.D.
Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology
Savannah River National Laboratory
Aiken, South Carolina, 29808
Tel: 803-725-7520