Hi all,
the recent messages on error messages written by the feff6L
module of artemis prompted me to pose the following question here.
Since the very first trials with the program, last year, every time I
run feff using a feff.inp file derived from a structural model that
includes the metal ion and the few amino acids that would act as
ligands to it, I get error messages of the type I am including here.
Is there something wrong or is everything Ok and I should disregard
the messages?
phase shifts for
unique potential 0
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
phase shifts for unique
potential 1
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
phase shifts for unique
potential 2
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
phase shifts for unique
potential 3
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
phase shifts for unique
potential 4
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
phase shifts for unique
potential 5
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
phase shifts for unique
potential 6
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
phase shifts for unique
potential 7
Hard tests failed in fovrg.
Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number too
Preparing plane wave scattering amplitudes...
nncrit in prcrit
Searching for paths...
rmax > distance to most
distant atom.
Some paths may be missing.
rmax, ratx
6.00000 5.87504
Rmax 6.0000 keep and heap
limits 0.0000000 0.0000000
Preparing neighbor table
nfound nheap nheapx
nsc r
Paths found
701 (nheapx, nbx 180
Eliminating path degeneracies...
Plane wave chi amplitude filter
Unique paths 153,
total paths 264
Stefano Ciurli
Professor of Chemistry
Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry
Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology
University of Bologna
Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40
I-40127 Bologna
Fax: +39-051-209-6203
"Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza"
Dante Alighieri - Inferno - Canto XXVI
"Ihr seid bestimmt, nicht Tieren gleich zu leben,
Nein, Tugend zu erringen und Erkenntnis"
"Ye were not form'd to live the life of brutes,
But virtue to pursue and knowledge high"