Hi All,

I am trying to use Athena to do some PCA work and am having trouble getting the target transform analysis to work. When I click the target transform button no TT coefficients are produced and only a residual that is shaped like the original spectrum to be transformed is plotted. This seems to happen for all of my standards. (For my data in norm3.prj I am doing the PCA on all the spectra that start with TMF and trying to target transform the other spectra.)

I have also tried this with the cyanobacteria data in the XAS-Education folder (also attached) to ensure it wasn't just a problem with my data. I am still have the same problems with this file as well. The dathena.log file and screenshot come from trying to target transform using this file.

I am running a 64-bit version of Windows 7 and am running the 0.9.18 version of Athena.  

Thank you for any help you can provide!


John Hayes

The Grosvenor Group
Dept. of Chemistry
University of Saskatchewan

“Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared.”