Hi Frank,

I’ve successfully completed the install of Demeter using Macports under Mavericks following your very clear instructions.

Athena starts and imports data, but , similar to George’s experience, does not generate a plot.
However, the plot buffer shows that plotting actions seem to be carried out, such as

## plot formatting
set style line 20 linecolor rgb "#cccccc"
set grid ls 20
set key top right width 1 height 1 box
set label 99 '{/*0.6 Demeter 0.9.18 {\251} Bruce Ravel 2006-2013}' at screen 0.7, screen 0.02 font 'Arial'
## gnuplot script

set title "{/*1.5 merge in k space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 15 ]

# merge: ifeffit group = zccvv
plot '/Users/LouNo/.horae/stash/gp_igzcvjge' using 1:2 with lines ls 1 title "merge"

… but there is no plot window.

Also, the following error is printed to the bash terminal when a plot is requested:

<2014-01-25 20:09:36.898 perl5.16[28306:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Lucida Grande" and got font with PostScript name "LucidaGrande". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.>

Hope this info is helpful.

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 20:22:09 +0000
From: "Schima, Frank" <frank.schima@nist.gov>
To: "ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov"
Subject: [Ifeffit] Demeter on Mac OS X via Macports
Message-ID: <FCAA45CB-E764-43F3-BF8D-6BD8BD605A36@nist.gov>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Hello Mac users,

I finally have launched a Mac OS X version of Demeter on Macports. I have not tested it very much because I?m not actually a Demeter user. It builds, launches and opens some example data but beyond that, it is untested. If the Mac version interests you, fire up your Terminal and follow these instructions:

1. *Carefully* follow the steps to install Macports. <http://www.macports.org/install.php>
2. Open a new Terminal window and type the following. It will take a while depending on your computer and network speed.

sudo port install demeter

3. When it is done, launch Athena by typing the following in Terminal. Note: Make sure you are in a directory you have write permission to (like your home directory) because it creates hidden log files at launch time.


It is a known issue that artemis and hephaestus do not launch right now, but Bruce is working on a fix that will be added soon. I'm not going to have time to debug people's Macports issues when installing Demeter with Macports, but tech support is available on the Macports Users mailing list [1]. You should not need any help installing if you correctly follow the intructions. Please let Bruce and I know if it works for you or not after you have it installed. I have only tested on OS X Mavericks and Mountain Lion so far. Keep in mind that this is the first working release candidate of Demeter on Mac OS X, so problems are going to be expected.


[1] <https://lists.macosforge.org/mailman/listinfo/macports-users>

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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:07:03 -0500
From: George Sterbinsky <GeorgeSterbinsky@u.northwestern.edu>
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit <ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov>
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter on Mac OS X via Macports
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Hi Frank,

I installed Athena on OSX 10.8.5 using Macports. The error given below
prints to the terminal when I run Athena, and Athena does not generate any
plots. If there is any further information I can provide that would be
helpful, let me know.

Graphics::GnuplotIF : cannot find environment variable DISPLAY


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Schima, Frank <frank.schima@nist.gov>wrote:

Hello Mac users,

I finally have launched a Mac OS X version of Demeter on
Macports. I have not tested it very much because I?m not actually a Demeter
user. It builds, launches and opens some example data but beyond that, it
is untested. If the Mac version interests you, fire up your Terminal and
follow these instructions:

1. *Carefully* follow the steps to install Macports. <
2. Open a new Terminal window and type the following. It will take a while
depending on your computer and network speed.

sudo port install demeter

3. When it is done, launch Athena by typing the following in Terminal.
Note: Make sure you are in a directory you have write permission to (like
your home directory) because it creates hidden log files at launch time.


It is a known issue that artemis and hephaestus do not launch right now,
but Bruce is working on a fix that will be added soon. I'm not going to
have time to debug people's Macports issues when installing Demeter with
Macports, but tech support is available on the Macports Users mailing list
[1]. You should not need any help installing if you correctly follow the
intructions. Please let Bruce and I know if it works for you or not after
you have it installed. I have only tested on OS X Mavericks and Mountain
Lion so far. Keep in mind that this is the first working release candidate
of Demeter on Mac OS X, so problems are going to be expected.


[1] <https://lists.macosforge.org/mailman/listinfo/macports-users>

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End of Ifeffit Digest, Vol 131, Issue 28