Dear Bruce:

Wait a minute! In fact, I updated the Mac Ports package demeter within the last two weeks to use Demeter version 0.9.22. Mac users might want to use the latest version and should consider doing a "port self update && port upgrade demeter". 

Users who installed the development version port called demeter-devel will also land on 0.9.22 if they upgrade to the latest.

Note that the latest Mac Ports version is known as 0.9.22_1, where the revision number _1 corresponds to the upgrade from Perl 5.16 to 5.22 (which the MacPorts team is pushing on). For many users, there will be numerous dependency upgrades when you upgrade to 0.9.22_1, but I found they took only a few minutes in my particular case. This change in Perl versions could conceivably cause problems, but I haven't heard of any.

Best wishes,
Joe Fowler
(MacPorts maintainer for demeter)

From: Bruce Ravel <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 6:55 AM
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Energy shift after deglitch

I don't see the behavior you describe when I follow your recipe.
Perhaps it got fixed when I fixed this fellow's issue...?

Of course, the Mac package is a fair bit behind at this point.


On 08/06/2015 06:10 PM, George Sterbinsky wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing to report a bug in Athena running on OSX 10.10.4. Here are
> the steps to reproduce the problem. I'm not sure that all steps are
> necessary.
> 1. Open Athena and import the attached project, which contains two
> groups that are both marked.
> 2. Change plot range to plot from -30 to 30 eV.
> 3. Select the "deglitch and truncate" window.
> 4. Select group "Ref data.merge".
> 5. In deglitch many points, set margin to 0.05, Emin to -24, and Emax to
> -20.
> 6. Click replot margins.
> 7. Click remove points.
> 8. Click return to main window.
> 9. Click the derivative check box to plot marked groups as normalized
> derivative.
> 10. Click mu(E) button to plot marked groups as derivative of mu(E).
> When the last step is done the groups appear to shift with respect to
> each other. One can switch between Normalized and mu(E) and see the
> shift come and go.
> Thank you,
> George
> _______________________________________________
> Ifeffit mailing list

  Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------

  National Institute of Standards and Technology
  Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II
  Building 535A
  Upton NY, 11973
