Dear ifeffit mailing list users, This is Yohei Uemura at Photon Factory, KEK, Japan. "Q2XAFS" workshop is going to be held on 12-13 April 2011 in Photon Factory, Tsukuba, Japan. This workshop aims to have worldwide discussions about measurements and data collection of XAFS to improve data quality and quantity. There will be also presentations about XAFS experiments on bio-systems and recent beamline developments. Please read the message from the organisers below. **************************************************************** Dear Colleagues It is our pleasure to inform you that "International Workshop on Improving Data Quality and Quantity for XAFS Experiments (Q2XAFS2011)" will be held during April 12-13, 2011 in Tsukuba, Japan. As you have been of great significance in the related topics of XAFS, we would be honored to ask your attendance and participation in our efforts aimed at quality and quantity improvements. We will welcome your early registration (reduced fee) at the Q2XAFS2011 web ( by February 28. The workshop is jointly organized by the IUCr XAFS Commission and the IXAS, inviting outstanding researchers representing synchrotron radiation facilities all over the world. Q2XAFS2011 focuses on Q2 (quality and quantity) control of EXAFS data collection, analyzing and exchange. Our goal is to assess the current status, to find fundamental problems and to propose a solution through standards and/or recommendation. The workshop will provide opportunities to fully discuss and exchange opinions on important categories of Q2 control. As the topics of the workshop are strongly dependent on beamlines and experimental stations, participation of experienced scientists based at facilities is essential. In particular, we will have a dedicated session for standard data format that would dramatically improve efficiency and security of data collection and exchange. Your participation in the workshop will be greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you in Tsukuba. Sincerely, yours Soich Wakatsuki, Chair of Q2XAFS2011, Director of Photon Factory Isabella Ascone, IUCr XAFS Commission, Chair Hiroyuki Oyanagi, IXAS, Chair ****************************************************************
所属 : 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究 所
放射光科学研究施設(Photon Factory)
住所 : 茨城県つくば市大穂1-1
Yohéi Uemura (Ph.D)
Affiliation : Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Science, KEK
Adress : 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki, Japan 305-0801
TEL&FAX: 029-879-6105
PHS: 029-864-5200 + 4956
Email :