Hi Everyone,I am using Larch for reading and fitting EXAFS data and I get the autobk and Fourier transforms working. But when I try to generate the fefffpaths and fit the data I get an error from the feffit function. I am using the developer version of Larch on MC OS Catalina. Below is the error and the sample script-runfile('/Users/rachita/Box/Larch/Feff_Try2/001.py', wdir='/Users/rachita/Box/Larch/Feff_Try2')Traceback (most recent call last):File "/Users/rachita/Box/Larch/Feff_Try2/001.py", line 27, in <module>fit = feffit(params, dset)File "/Users/rachita/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xraylarch-0.9.50-py3.8.egg/larch/xafs/feffit.py", line 534, in feffitds.prepare_fit(params=params)File "/Users/rachita/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xraylarch-0.9.50-py3.8.egg/larch/xafs/feffit.py", line 265, in prepare_fitikmax = int(1.01 + max(self.data.k)/trans.kstep)AttributeError: 'AthenaGroup' object has no attribute ‘k’ #tried this with xdi format data and got the same error
_______________________________________________Below is the script -#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from larch.fitting import param_group, Parameterfrom larch.io import read_xdifrom larch.xafs import feffpath, feffit_dataset, feffit_transform, feffit, feffit_reportdata = read_xdi('cu_metal_rt.xdi’) #I tried importing Athena project file toopath1 = feffpath('feff0001.dat', s02='amplitude', e0='del_e0',sigma2='sigma2', deltar='del_r')trans = feffit_transform(kmin=3, kmax=16, kw=(2,1,3),dk=1, window='hanning', rmin=1.7, rmax=3.1)params = param_group(amplitude= Parameter(1, vary=True),del_e0 = Parameter(1e-7, vary=True),del_r = Parameter(1e-7, vary=True),sigma2 = Parameter(0.003, vary=True))dset = feffit_dataset(data=data, pathlist=[path1], transform=trans)fit = feffit(params, dset)print(feffit_report(fit))By printing path groups and transform fit, I confirmed that the data is read correctly.Please let me know if there are ways to fix this or if there is an error in my script.Thank You!Rachita
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