It is most likely because each group in Athena has a unique energy grid and, if you save the aligned data in one Ascii file lumping several groups together, it will keep only one energy grid, corresponding to the first group. Hence, alignment
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It is most likely because each group in Athena has a unique energy grid and, if you save the aligned data in one Ascii file lumping several groups together, it will keep only one energy grid, corresponding to the first group. Hence, alignment will not be kept (because alignment means that each energy grid is shifted by the number you use in the alignment process but the program will not save those grids). In order to save that information you need to save each group as individual ascii file and then import them in Origin or anything else with their corresponding energy values, and it will be plotted correctly.

Anatoly I. Frenkel
Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Affiliate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794

Co-Director and Spokesperson, Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium (SCC) at BNL

Joint Appointment:
Senior Chemist
Chemistry Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973

On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 5:14 PM Raspante, Fabio via Ifeffit <> wrote:
Hi, I worked on some data and I aligned them properly before to do any comparison. I also checked the alignment by plotting all the data together. After that I exported the data to have a file usable on Origin (the .dat format) but the problem
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I worked on some data and I aligned them properly before to do any comparison.

I also checked the alignment by plotting all the data together.


After that I exported the data to have a file usable on Origin (the .dat format)  but the problem is that after plotting the data on Origin, they are not aligned anymore. Specifically one group of data is not aligned to the others.


Do you know what could be the problem? And how can I solve it?


Many thanks,



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