Dear Murugesan,

This is Yohei Uemura from Hokkaido University, Japan.

We also had the same problem on launching Demeter(Athena, Artemis etc.) under Windows XP.
A Japanese researcher, who belongs to Nagoya University Synchrotron radiation Research Center, found how to launch Demeter under Windows XP.

HIs procedure is as follows;

1. Go to "C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin"
2. a) To launch Athena, modify the file "dathena.bat": add a line as below between L.19 and L.20
        use Demeter::UI::Athena;
    b) To launch Artemis, modify the file "dartemis.bat": add a line as below between L.19 and L.20
use Demeter::UI::Artemis;
    c) To launch Hephaestus , modify the file "dhephaestus.bat": add a line between L.19 and L.20
use Demeter::UI::Hephaestus;

I was able to launch Demeter under XP when following the procedure.

Best regards,

So. Muru
2012年11月28日 10:49
Dear all,
greetings from Murugesan,

recently I downloaded the latest version of Demeter for windows and installed it on my windows xp (32bit) environment.
I try to run the programs by shortcuts in the desktop, but the programs didn't run.
what was the problem, kindly give your suggestions to run the Demeter package successfully on windows xp environment.

with thanks and regards
S Murugesan

Dr S Murugesan
Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu

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所属 : 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所

放射光科学研究施設(Photon Factory)

住所 : 茨城県つくば市大穂1-1

Yohéi Uemura (Ph.D)

Affiliation : Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Science, KEK

Adress : 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki, Japan 305-0801

TEL&FAX: 029-879-6105

PHS: 029-864-5200 + 4956

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