    Thanks a lot Scott , I got that how to change ss for difeerent path by using the function debye(temp, thetad).But I am not getting the same result in case of delr . I took  the different parameter as follow :
     guess amp  1
     def  delr  alpha*reff
     guess enot 0
     def  ss debye(temp,thetad)
     set alpha .0002
     set  thetad  343
     set  temp    298
   But I am not getting a very good fit. The value of debye temperature is 343 for Cu( Kittel book)  but I got to know that some persons even guessed the value of thetad as 285+-16 . I am not getting that how we can guess the value of alpha and thetad   . Also I am not getting the value of Ei, 3rd and 4th cumulant in the fit results . So How can I get the value of these parameters in the fit results .  
                                                                                                                                                                 With thanks
                                                                                                                                                                  Abhijeet Gaur