Dear fellow XAFS user,
yesterday (October 22nd 2012, 8 am) the DORIS III storage ring in Hamburg was switched of for good. That means our 3 EXAFS beamlines are left without photons and user operation at these beamlines had to end. In the next 2 years we will build 2 new EXAFS beamlines at the PETRA III storage ring that will hopefully equally well serve the demands of our large user community as the 3 closed beamlines did during the last 20+ years.
I know this mailing list is mainly about software and number crunching, but I thought the end of operation of a machine that produced so many beautiful numbers to be crunched with IFEFFIT/Athena/Artemis etc. might justify a short notice on this list.
Anyway, to close the circle to the software, the end of user operation of HASYLAB's DORIS beamlines finally gives our users the chance to use this software and produce many nice papers during the coming months (Ah,wait, that was something different, New York, July 1977 :-).
I am looking forward to see you all back at our PETRA extension beamlines in autumn 2014! Let me close this mail with the last line of data ever measured at the A1 EXAFS beamline:
7893.277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.489 13.22
Best regards,
Edmund Welter
-- -------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Edmund Welter Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY FS-Do Notkestr. 85 Email: D-22607 Hamburg Phone: +49 40 8998 4510 Germany Fax : +49 40 8998 2787 --------------------------------------------------------