Dear all,
I have measured some spectra of a CeO2 film(~200nm) grown on Yittria stablized Zirconia(YSZ) substrate under 2 conditions.
(i) room temperature, ambient atmosphere
(ii) room temperature, vacuum (pO2~1E-6 atm) inside a graphite dome of the DHS 1100 anton paar,
The spectra are collected in fluorescence mode. The incident angle is 3 o and the fluorescence collection angle is 90 o.
My questions are:
(i) From the theory behind the FLUO program developed Dr. Daniel Haskel, CeO2 spectra collected with a 3 o incident angle would have a strong self absorption effect and
correction , however, the signal is not attenuated compared with the CeO2 powder taken in a transmission mode, shown in attached plot.
I've gone through many literature and people sometimes tell that whether they have a successful self absorption correction by comparing the spectrum with a spectrum taken under a transmission mode.
So I'm wondering if I can say that I don't need a self absorption correction in this case?
The Ce4+ peak in the spectrum collected under condition (ii) has a much lower intensity. I think it is due to the reduction of Ce 4+ under vacuum, however, the Ce3+ peak does not show an increased signal here. Which makes ma doubt whether this is simply reduction of Ce or might be from over absorption?
Thanks for any response.
Weizi Yuan,
Graduate Student,
Northwestern University,