I should like to use feff85L within Artemis (from Demeter 0.9.25), just to check in my system whether selfconsistency has a role in unifying E0 values (with feff 6, allowing different E0 for each scatterer leads to E0 differences >10 eV, which seems too much to me). I find that after loading the EXAFS data (from Athena) and a model (a .cif file containing Cu, Ce and O atoms), if I click Run Atoms and then Run Feff with feff6 as executable I get the usual set of paths that allow me doing a fit of the data, but if I try to use the feff85L.exe that comes with the Demeter software (by changing the feff executable in the File/Edit preferences menu), after clicking the Run Feff button (without including the SCF card) a bit of computation happens and after finishing it the path list is empty.