Hi George,
I think this will not be a different answer from Matthew's or Anatoly's answers, but just reiterate their points. The Purans et al 2008 PRL from 2008 appears to use both non-linear fitting with Feff and EDA (which should give basically the same results as Artemis/Ifeffit/Larch, though I do not know in detail what error analysis is done), and the log-ratio method. I think they also fit the resulting sigma2 (derived from the non-linear fit) to an Einstein model.
The log-ratio method can only determine relative changes in distance, coordination number, and sigma2. The main motivation for using this method is that scattering factors in the EXAFS equation will cancel out (or mostly cancel out) when comparing two similar experimental spectra. In addition, it is often argued that data extraction errors (energy scale, background subtraction, etc) would tend to be the same for two experimental spectra and so would also mostly cancel out. There usually isn't much analysis of what residual systematic errors happen with the log-ratio method. The working idea is that the ratio of the log of isolated single-shell EXAFS chi(k) (or what we would call chi(q) in Artemis/Ifeffit/Larch) amplitudes vs k**2 should be linear (intercept = Delta N, slope=Delta sigma2) and the phase difference vs k should also be linear (intercept=0 if E0 is truly unchanged, and slope = Delta R). For anyone who actually plots those (even for spectra on the same sample), you will probably find that these are "linear-ish", clearly showing both "yeah, that could work" and also "maybe not perfectly".
But, if I'm reading this PRL correctly, it looks like they use the log-ratio method to compare sigma2 and R of spectra at the same temperature but with different isotopes. That does seem like a fine way to better determine the subtle differences between those spectra.