On Thursday, February 16, 2023, 2:50 PM, Robert Gordon <ragordon@alumni.sfu.ca> wrote:
So your goal is to plot If/I0 versus time for a given energy in the XANES. Are you exporting normalised XANES or just If/I0?Are you doing background removal from the pre-edge?Is another feature underlying this targeted feature also disappearing or changing? i.e. you are not watching a featureincrease from zero but instead changing from one to another? ...or seeing a background increase as well?Was the fluorescence measured using a solid state detector? Did the deadtime of the detector increase significantlyas the signal from the sample increased (and no deadtime correction applied) ?-R.On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 10:53 AM Roberta Candela <rjcandel@asu.edu> wrote:Ha no worries! It would be Ifinal over time (to my vague understanding). I’m trying to show that the sample was saturated by looking above the fluorescence k-alpha line (or I guess it’s called the white line?) because the intensity should increase and then level off once it’s saturated. This is a xanes scan but we were doing fluorescence instead of transmission since it was a dilute sample._______________________________________________Did that answer the question? My apologies I’m very new and I’m sure im referring to things incorrectly.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhoneOn Thursday, February 16, 2023, 12:45 PM, Carlo Segre <segre@iit.edu> wrote:
Hi Robert:What, exactly are you interested in plotting? It is not quite clear from your message. Is it the Io as a function of time during a scan? Is it the XANES scans as a function of time for a reaction?CarloOn Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 11:59 AM Roberta Candela <rjcandel@asu.edu> wrote:Hi all, I am attempting to graph a simple plot of intensity vs time for some supplemental info on a paper (from XAFS data from beamtime). I thought it should be simple enough since I can export I0 and If from Athena and I know the run time and time per data point but I can’t get anything that looks remotely like the logarithmic graph it should be. Am I missing some big fundamental point for why this isn’t possible? My apologies if this is way too vague!/I feel like I’m missing something super obvious_______________________________________________Thank you for your time!Sincerely
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--Carlo U. Segre (he/him) -- Duchossois Leadership Professor of PhysicsProfessor of Materials Science & EngineeringDirector, Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research and InstrumentationIllinois Institute of TechnologyVoice: 312.567.3498 Fax: 312.567.3494_______________________________________________
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