I have recently installed ATHENA on my laptop (Lenovo X200) and runs into trouble when I try to open a file: The "data column" window opens well, and the plot is there but then I am stalled. At the bottom of the main window is written: "you have not used any memory yet"
I know that a previous thread was written on it ([Ifeffit] A problem with Athena from 2008) but it seems to remain an open issue...
Here is my configuration:
OS: Ubuntu Jaunty AMD64
Athena version: 0.8.059
Ifeffit version: 1.2.11d
I have also tried with a previous Athena version, and on WindowsXP via Virtualbox. The problem remains. My data file is according to ATHENA standard (i.e. # for comments followed by columns).
If you have any idea, I would be delighted to read it!