Dear Carroll This is Yohei Uemura from Hokkaido University, Japan. Many thanks for your solution to launch iXAFS.app on Mountain Lion. I have just tried your solution and iXAFS.app was successfully launced!! I think your solution is useful and easy to do. Best regards, Yohei ----- Original Message -----
I had posted a comment/question a few months back when I had initially installed Mountain Lion on my mac regarding iXAFS compatibility with XQuartz and the new OS not supporting X11 anymore. Since then I have received a few comments back and I found one solution to be the best. This was originally sent by Tsu-Chien Weng from SSRL (tsuchien@slac. stanford.edu). Please find the following solution below. Once you install XQuartz the rest will be done in the Terminal.app. This is a one time solution and I havent had any trouble thus far with the program. Hope this works as well for everyone else as it did for me.
1. Install XQuartz from http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/ 2. open Terminal.app 3. cd /Applications/Utilities 4. sudo mkdir X11.app 5. cd X11.app 6. sudo ln -s ../XQuartz.app/Contents
Thank you,
Kyler J. Carroll, Ph.D. Assistant Project Scientist Department of NanoEngineering University of California, San Diego
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=========================================== 上村洋平 所属 : 北海道大学・触媒化学研究センター 朝倉研究室 博士研究員 住所 : 305-0801 茨城県つくば市大穂1-1 KEK-PF 北大分室 001-0021 北海道札幌市北区北21条西10丁目 Yohéi Uemura (Ph.D) Affiliation : Catalysis Research Center Hokkaido University Adress : KEK-PF, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki, Japan 305-0801 Kita21 Nishi10 Kita-Ku, Sapporo 001-0021 TEL: 029-864-5636 Email : yuemura@post.kek.jp ===========================================