Dear Ling Fei, since the combination of XAFS with in-situ measuremnets is one of the most important applications of XAFS spectroscopy you will find more or less well equipped facilities at any synchrotron that operates XAFs beamlines. I suggest you have a look at the different synchrotron's web pages. And coming from Hamburg I suggest you start at: http://www-hasylab.desy.de/ Look especially for the beamlines X1 and E4. You will also find links to other synchrotron radiation facilities. Alternatively you are welcome to contact me via my e-mail adress. Best regards, Edmund Welter Ling Fei Zhang wrote:
secondly, if if have knowledge of European based EXAFS source, could you suggest which stations may allow the user to have sample envrioement to do in-situ measurement?
-- Dr. Edmund Welter HASYLAB at DESY e-mail : edmund.welter@desy.de Notkestr. 85 fon : (+49)-40-8998-4510 D-22603 HAMBURG fax : -2787 GERMANY secretary : -2304