H Kiril, Thanks - that's interesting. I think this must somehow have to do with autobk already doing a cubic spline interpolation so that there is some smoothness built in to the output chi(E) array that you are then further smoothing. But I
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H Kiril, 


Thanks - that's interesting. I think this must somehow have to do with autobk already doing a cubic spline interpolation so that there is some smoothness built in to the output chi(E) array that you are then further smoothing. But I am not certain of that….  I’ll try to look into this more.




On Mon, Dec 9, 2024 at 4:44AM Kirill LOMACHENKO via Ifeffit <ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov> wrote:

Hi Matt, sorry, for the delay with the reply. I prepared a short example script with the data that I sent before. It illustrates the high noise in the default Larch chi(k) data, the lack of help from rebin_xafs function and the improvement obtained


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Hi Matt,
sorry, for the delay with the reply.
I prepared a short example script with the data that I sent before. It 
illustrates the high noise in the default Larch chi(k) data, the lack of 
help from rebin_xafs function and the improvement obtained by rebinning 
the data in k. Please find it attached (together with the data and 
resulting figure).
Please let me know if you find a mistake in my approach. I will be 
grateful for any suggestion.
Thank you!
Best regards,
On 26/11/2024 21:42, Matt Newville wrote:
> Hi Kiril,
> Thanks, but I don't know how you got those different curves.  Can you 
> supply the code of how you got those?
> Larch's rebin_xafs() does rebin mu(E) data to an even k-grid, averaging 
> data within a k-region.  It can do the average either as the centroid 
> (<mu*E>/<E>) or a simple boxcar average (<mu>) over any region.
> At k~15, it should be using 15 to 20 values if the energy spacing is 
> 0.33 eV, so a noise reduction of a factor of 4 would seem believable.
> --Matt
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 6:38 AM Kirill LOMACHENKO via Ifeffit 
> <ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov 
> <mailto:ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov>> wrote:
>     __
>     Dear Matt, thank you for your reply. As I wrote, I did try
>     rebin_xafs function, but it did not seem to improve the noise. It is
>     not completely clear to me why, that was one of the questions.
>     Regarding the suggestions, I found that rebinning
>     ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
>     __
>     This Message Is From an External Sender
>     This message came from outside your organization.
>     __
>     ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
>     Dear Matt,
>     thank you for your reply.
>     As I wrote, I did try rebin_xafs function, but it did not seem to
>     improve the noise. It is not completely clear to me why, that was one of
>     the questions.
>     Regarding the suggestions, I found that rebinning of chi (chi(E) or
>     chi(k)) yields much lower noise than rebinning of mu(E). With this
>     approach the resulting chi(k) is noise-wise very similar to Athena.
>     My findings were summarized in a figure. I am not sure whether you got
>     it through the mailing list, so just in case I attach it here and add
>     your e-mail in cc.
>     All the best,
>     Kirill
>     On 23/11/2024 04:09, Matthew Newville wrote:
>     > Hi Kiril,
>     > 
>     > Yes, this is a common issue, especially for data from some beamlines 
>     > that do a continuous or fly-scan data collection (I'm 100% in favor of 
>     > this).  There is a function for that. See |larch.xafs.rebin_xafs:|
>     > https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/blob/
>    master/larch/xafs/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!
>     Z6DCYyVN0uG5s3uCOcy03cAkLD6A6Fo0sZSDRwq_5OPp2mzDTlFp6NlwnNAIc2HqnSeCAjPQsPNkyAUmNHgINlwRXdqQSCWJkg$ <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/blob/master/larch/xafs/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Z6DCYyVN0uG5s3uCOcy03cAkLD6A6Fo0sZSDRwq_5OPp2mzDTlFp6NlwnNAIc2HqnSeCAjPQsPNkyAUmNHgINlwRXdqQSCWJkg$>
>     > rebin_xafs.py#L55 <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/blob/
>    master/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!
>     Z6DCYyVN0uG5s3uCOcy03cAkLD6A6Fo0sZSDRwq_5OPp2mzDTlFp6NlwnNAIc2HqnSeCAjPQsPNkyAUmNHgINlwRXdoZkMNpOQ$ <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/blob/master/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Z6DCYyVN0uG5s3uCOcy03cAkLD6A6Fo0sZSDRwq_5OPp2mzDTlFp6NlwnNAIc2HqnSeCAjPQsPNkyAUmNHgINlwRXdoZkMNpOQ$>
>     > larch/xafs/rebin_xafs.py#L55>
>     > 
>     > For the data re-binning to each point in the output, this can do either 
>     > a boxcar average (which might reduce resolution) or use a centroid value 
>     > (which might do less resolution reduction).  Either of these should be 
>     > better (in the sense of "use more of the input data") than a simple 
>     > interpolation.
>     > 
>     > 
>     > The Larix GUI will prompt users to use this to re-bin XAFS data that 
>     > looks like it has too many points (more than 1200 points) or too fine an 
>     > energy spacing (< 0.75eV) in the high-energy portion of the spectra.  
>     >   So, I think your data would be noticed as "needs rebinning".
>     > 
>     > --Matt
>     > 
>     > PS: suggestions for better approaches welcome!
>     > 
>     > 
>     > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > *From:* Kirill LOMACHENKO via Ifeffit <ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov <mailto:ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov>>
>     > *Sent:* Friday, November 22, 2024 12:10 PM
>     > *To:* ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov <mailto:ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov> <ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov <mailto:ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov>>
>     > *Cc:* Kirill LOMACHENKO <lomachenko@esrf.fr <mailto:lomachenko@esrf.fr>>
>     > *Subject:* [Ifeffit] Larch: noise in chi(k) - another try
>     > This Message Is From an External Sender
>     > This message came from outside your organization.
>     > 
>     > Dear Matt and dear all, seems that my original message has been cut by 
>     > the mailing server. I try again, this time without attachments. I have 
>     > encountered an issue processing oversampled EXAFS data with Larch. In my 
>     > example the energy step is 0.33 eV in all parts of the scan, including 
>     > the EXAFS. When I use the default procedure in Larch (pre_edge and then 
>     > autobk), I get the noise level in chi(k) that is higher than I would 
>     > expect.  Strangely, rebinning of mu(E) using rebin_xafs function does 
>     > not help, and even increases the noise. The lowest level of noise can be 
>     > obtained when rebinning the data in k (starting from the "raw" 
>     > oversampled chi(E) provided by Larch). In this last case, the result is 
>     > noise-wise very similar to Athena's default. I think that the high level 
>     > of noise after the default Larch processing can be due to the fact that 
>     > Larch does not seem to do averaging when converting the data from E to 
>     > k. Instead, it does interpolation with UnivariateSpline which by design 
>     > is not supposed to decrease the noise when applied to oversampled data. 
>     > Is this correct? Would it be worth changing? The reason why the 
>     > rebinning in E does not decrease the noise is not clear to me. Do you 
>     > have any idea? Has anyone run into similar issues? Any comments and 
>     > suggestions are welcome. Thank you Best regards, Kirill
>     > 
>     ifeffit mailing list: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/mailman3/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!c3A5XNciXKQ7VhgLpD9inPitKQOSK_z2wZ7Y4Fs2Zz06RA12ilfR5OcM5izglOolk9mXjemAN7NEb0HhHmFYoO52ROKloy6CJw$
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> -- 
> --Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu <http:// 
> cars.uchicago.edu>> 630-327-7411

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