I have a Python/Larch related question. I have been developing some python script via jupyter and incorporating Larch as a module. I was able to read an athena prj file with the following code
import larch as lc
athena_prj = lc.io.read_athena(prjfilename)
Python stores this object as a 'Group' object with each spectrum being an instance. I would like to go through more processing with all spectra.
for spectrum in
lc.xafs.find_e0(spectrum.energy, spectrum.mu, group = spectrum)
This does not work since the 'Group' object is not iterable. I tried to look up some other built-in functionality with python, but couldn't find an efficient way other than manually typing out each spectrum (athena_prj.spectrum1,
athena_prj.spectrum2, .... etc). Is there any built-in functionality in larch that can iterate this 'Group' object?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time!
Garret Bland
PhD Student
Carnegie Mellon University
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Porter Hall 201
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213