Dear colleagues,

Again I have problems running (D)Artemis on two Win7 and on Win XP machines with non-unicode names. I've raised the issue in September and Matt Newville suggested some recipe (see IFEFFIT mailing list on Sept 6). The suggested solution was the following:

Edit the file
so that, near the top it reads:

use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
$Archive::Zip::UNICODE = 1;

The solution was great in the sense that DEMETER at least starts (it was not the case before). However, when I try to fit anything imported from old or new Athena (importing old style Artemis project does not work, this was apparently already reported to the list) I am getting the following error message (also see attached screenshot):

error writing zip-style project at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/Artemis/ line 104
    Demeter::UI::Artemis::Project::save_project('HASH(0xaf38efc)', C:/Documents and setting/ NON-UNICODE NAME..........

I would be grateful if an idea how to solve this obstacle.

All the best,
Andrei Shiryaev

PS In the example above DArtemis is installed on D:, but standard installation on C: gives exactly the same result.