Hi Bradley,
On Aug 13, 2012 8:24 AM, "BradleyW Miller" <Miller.BradleyW@epamail.epa.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've looked through the FAQ and help pages but don't see any comments about my issue. When importing new data into Athena it crashes on my Window XP computer. The column selection window opens and it freezes. I've attached a file for you. I don't have the same problem with project files. If I create a prj file in the old Athena I can then import it to the newest version of Athena and operate with no problems. I know at least one other person who has the same issue. Thanks for your time.
> (See attached file: As_P2.002)
> Respectfully,
> Bradley W. Miller, Ph.D.
> Post Doctoral Fellow
> Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
> U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
> National Risk Management Research Laboratory
> Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division
> 5995 Center Hill Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224-1702
> Office: (513) 487-2889 Miller.BradleyW@epa.gov
> Fax: (513) 569-7879 www.epa.gov
> www.tinyurl.com/bwmiller
> The great tragedy of Science—the slaying of beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.— Thomas H. Huxley
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I think the problem is the line in the header that has only numbers (0.0 0.0 ....) in it. A simple thing to try would be to put a # sign at the beginning of each header line. I believe that will work, but I haven't actually tested it.
Another possible issue is that the file might have inconsistent number of
columns, as if an extra new line got inserted in the very long lines (I suspect this is what happened in the header).