Hi dear XAS communities, I have a question about whether the distance of the same path should be same in the R space for each element’s edge? For example, suppose a diatomic pair Cu-N-Zn structure, Cu-edge and Zn-edge EXAFS are measured separately
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Hi dear XAS communities,
I have a question about whether the distance of the same path should be same in the R space for each element’s edge? For example, suppose a diatomic pair Cu-N-Zn structure, Cu-edge and Zn-edge EXAFS are measured separately and FT transformed using Athena software. Should the Cu-N-Zn peak in Cu-XAFS be in the same position with the Zn-N-Cu peak in Zn-XAFS, although both must be the same after phase correction. Thank you very much for your kind explanation.
Best regards,