Hi All, 

A few of us would like to start having regular (or somewhat regular) Zoom meetings to discuss planning and development goals for the xraylarch project.  We would like to eventually settle on a stable-ish time for the monthly meeting.  A doodle poll for the time of the initial meeting is at:     

I will send out an announcement by March 27th of when the first meeting will be.

 There are many potential topics to discuss.  A  few that are on my mind as topics for the next months/year might include:
   a) supporting (and perhaps working on design) of an XAS schema for NeXuS/HDF5
   b) better support for using xraylarch from Jupyter, especially plotting routines.
   c) creating inputs, launching, and reading of outputs for XANES calculations with Feff and/or FDMNES.
   d) MCR-ALS or related additional linear algebra methods.
   e) improvement to XRF / XRF mapping schemas, formats, and analysis.
These discussions will sort of focus on what these codes and programs should do, so anyone interested in working with Larch from Python or other tools is definitely most welcome.  Having input from knowledgeable "power users" or experts in the field would be great.

I think we don't want this to be a support forum, but if people would also like to see "virtual office hours" (say, 1 hour per month for support questions), please let me know.


--Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu> 630-327-7411