On Aug 29, 2014 9:32 AM, "Bruce Ravel" <bravel@bnl.gov> wrote:
> On 08/29/2014 10:20 AM, huyanyun@physics.utoronto.ca wrote:
>> Hi Bruce,
>> Thank you for your help. Yes, it happens consistently to me, but
>> sometimes I did the same thing and it won't happen. So I was confused.
> I'm afraid I don't quite understand your answer.
> To be clear, if you:
>  * make a fitting model
>  * run one or more fits
>  * re-run feff
>  * save and close artemis
> the next time you open that project file, it is *guaranteed* to be
> broken.

I think this might explain random problems saving fits that I've seen but could never figure out how to reproduce well enough to submit a report.  I'm pretty sure this happened to me during a recent "live demo" of Artemis.  Great to hear that the problem is identified!


> As I said, this is a shockingly obvious avenue for failure.  Until I
> harden the program against this, the work-around is /never/ to re-run
> feff after running a fit.  In fact, you should /never/ re-run feff
> after you have started dragging and dropping paths onto the data page.
> B
>> Best,
>> Yanyun
>> Quoting Bruce Ravel <bravel@bnl.gov>:
>>> On 08/28/2014 07:51 PM, huyanyun@physics.utoronto.ca wrote:
>>>> I encountered a serious problem with saving an Artermis project on my
>>>> windows 8 64bit desktop. When I am ready to finish my fitting work, I
>>>> click to save the log file, and go to main window to choose -File-'save
>>>> project as...', and then close Artemis. But when I reopen this saved
>>>> project, the Path Page lost all information for each path, and the
>>>> 'Include path' button has been surprisingly unchecked for all path. The
>>>> GDS page have all information there. This happened to me several times,
>>>> but it seems sometime the PathPage data is saved and sometime is not,
>>>> although I think I was doing the exact something.
>>>> I attached one of my artemis project file and the most recent log file I
>>>> saved before I close the program. Can anyone have a look and tell me
>>>> what I did wrong? As my work is proceeding, this would be a very serious
>>>> problem if I cannot save my 'hardwork'.
>>> Yanyun,
>>> I know what is causing the behavior your are observing, but I do not
>>> know how you got to this point.  In short, the problem with your
>>> project file is that the mechanism that Artemis uses to path pages to
>>> paths from the feff caluclation has become completely unhinged.  Even
>>> though each path is defined in a reasonable way (in the sense of
>>> having sensible math expressions for all the path parameters), every
>>> path fails to point correctly to the feff calculation.
>>> I was able to reproduce this problem by re-running the Feff
>>> calculation then immediately saving the project file.  Is this what
>>> happened?
>>> This is a rather obvious avenue for failure.  It's suprising to me
>>> that I've never thought of this before and that no one has ever before
>>> complained about that.
>>> I think I may be able to recover your project file -- I'll take a look
>>> and let you know.
>>> B
>>> --
>>>  Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov
>>>  National Institute of Standards and Technology
>>>  Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
>>>  Building 535A
>>>  Upton NY, 11973
>>>  Homepage:    http://bruceravel.github.io/home/
>>>  Software:    https://github.com/bruceravel
>>>  Demeter:     http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/
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> --
>  Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov
>  National Institute of Standards and Technology
>  Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
>  Building 535A
>  Upton NY, 11973
>  Homepage:    http://bruceravel.github.io/home/
>  Software:    https://github.com/bruceravel
>  Demeter:     http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/
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