I work with older Ifeffit version thus I can not help you much - I
can not open (Artemis) or work (Athena) with projects...
I have only one question - do you need to fit paths about 4A?
I hope that someone on this mailing list will check your files
W dniu 13-02-19 17:47, Devender pisze:
Dr. Kicaj,
I tried that too, went till 8 A, but it is still showing same
error whereas R effective for second shell paths are 4.4 and 4.7
A. I have also attached athena file and artemis project file for
my data for reference.
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 10:57 AM, "Dr.
Dariusz A. Zając" <kicaj@ifj.edu.pl> wrote:
could you check if the same error appears if you give the
Rmax of, let's say, 8A or even 6.5A?
For higher R, the paths sometimes does not look like a
single "gaussian" peak, but has some kind of "satellites".
You have to also remember that each path consists of the
real and imaginary part.
W dniu 13-02-19 16:42, Devender pisze:
I am trying to fit Bi2Te3 exafs data using
artemis. I am able to fit first shell (screenshot
of fit is attached, I have also attached 'atoms'
and 'feff' files for reference) but when I am
trying to include second shell, I am getting the
error (attached file- Fit_error.log). Error reads
that- "The R effective for this path is well
beyond the rmax value of its Data object." but I
am already using Rmax of 6 A and Reff of these
path are less than 5 A in my fit. I will
appreciate if anyone can guide me or point me
where I am making mistake.
Graduate Student, Materials Science and