
It sounds like this issue is really about reading in data from saved projects, not about summation of data.  Is that correct or is there another problem too?

One of the main features of the Athena project files is that you can send them in an email.  Doing that would make it possible for someone to try to reproduce and understand the problem you are having.

Finally, not many of us have experience using Windows 10.  Do you see the same issue on other machines too?


On Nov 6, 2015 5:39 AM, "Matteo Busi" <> wrote:
> Hi, I'd like to report a few bugs I've encountered while using the Data Summation of Athena.
> I've been working with multiple data sets and experienced some tecnical difficulties. For example; when I'm importing multiple data from a project saved beforem not all groups are selectable in the Components, and some times even none of them are selectable.
> In the case I could see the groups imported selectable in the Components, if I import new datasets as groups they will not be selectable as Components, but the list will still be the first avaiable ( like it's frozen) untill the reboot of the software.
> It's a pity because it's doing the rest of the job grandiosely.
> I'm running Athena from Windows 10.
> Regards,
> Matteo Busi, University of Stavanger, Norway
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