Hi Folks, Larch version 2024. 12. 0 is now released and ready for download. After many years of version "0. 9. something", Mauro convinced me that we should use a date-based version string. This version has many small fixes, with the most
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Hi Folks,
Larch version 2024.12.0 is now released and ready for download. After many years of version "0.9.something", Mauro convinced me that we should use a date-based version string.
This version has many small fixes, with the most important being:
- Athena Projects saved by Larch/Larix are now again readable by Athena.
- the CIF/XRD/ CIF->Feff conversion code has been moved to a separate project, larixite, where it can be managed separately, and used by Larch/Larix.
As usual, much of the work here is from Mauro Rovezzi, and with bug reports and fixes from many people.
Hoping everyone has a good winter break, but if analyzing XAS data was on your list of things to get done for the New Year, I hope this helps.