Hi All,
I recently upgraded my Mac to run 10.12 Sierra. I followed the github instructions for installing the updated version of Demeter (including installing Macports). Athena will open for me but Artemis does not. When I type artemis into the terminal window all the windows for artemis appear but a window which says "Restore from autosave file" appears with the choices "cancel" or "OK". However at this point the application is frozen. I have tried looking for an artemis.autosave file on my computer or even an "anything".autosave file but I can not find anything. The closest thing was AutoSave.pm but when I deleted that artemis refused to open at all so I had to reinstall Demeter. I have also attempted to change the artemis.demeter_conf file so that the autosave portion says "false" instead of "true" however, the file said I did not have permission to change the file. Any help would be much appreciated.