Hi all I read the documentation of Larch and Larix can generate a feff input file from a xyz file. https: //cars. uchicago. edu/xraylarch/xasviewer/overview. html Does anyone have a python script to generate a feff input file from a xyz file using
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Hi all

I read the documentation of Larch and Larix can generate a feff input file from a xyz file.

Does anyone have a python script to generate a feff input file from a xyz file using Larix?

Best regards,
Yohei Uemura (Ph.D) 
Instrument scientist
FXE beamline, 
European XFEL GmbH
Address : Holzkoppel 4, 22869 Schenefeld, Germany
Phone: +49-40-8998-6006

所属 : FXE beamline, European XFEL GmbH
住所 : Holzkoppel 4, 22869 Schenefeld, Germany
電話 : +49-40-8998-6006