Seems to work now, thanks for the help (couldn’t have guessed it !!). Christophe
Le 25 juil. 2019 à 13:44, Ravel, Bruce
a écrit : Fun fact: our mailing lists has an archive of previous posts.
On 7/25/19 5:03 AM, christophe den auwer wrote:
Hi all,
I have to re-install Demeter on my Mojave MacBook (version 10.14.5). X code version 10.2.1
Well it didn't totally worked out….
When I launch either Athena or Artemis, this is what I get (bellow). I also notice I have a new « opt » directory directly on the hard disk (this seems a strange location).
Does anybody have an idea about that ?
Thanks a lot for your help
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christophe Den Auwer Professeur Université Côte d’Azur Institut de Chimie de Nice Parc Valrose 06108 Nice, France christophe.denauwer@univ-cotedazur.fr mailto:christophe.denauwer@univ-cotedazur.fr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov
National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II Lead Beamline Scientist, 6BM (BMM) Building 743, Room 114 Upton NY, 11973
Homepage: http://bruceravel.github.io/home/ Beamline: https://www.bnl.gov/ps/beamlines/beamline.php?r=6-BM Software: https://github.com/bruceravel Demeter: http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christophe Den Auwer Professeur Université Côte d’Azur Institut de Chimie de Nice Parc Valrose 06108 Nice, France christophe.denauwer@univ-cotedazur.fr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------