Frank and Bruce,

Frank and Bruce, thanks for your fast response. I downloaded demeter-devel, which fixed both problems (since it appears to have also deleted the autosave file). 

Now Athena is hanging on the tip of the day.

I found the archive thread on this topic from 07/03/14

but I can't seem to find the demeter.ini file  to change the "tips" parameter to false. 
1) I tried using the search function in the Finder
2) I also used the terminal to find the demeter folder:

      perl -e 'use Demeter; print $INC{""}, $/'

Is there a better method of finding this file so that I can fixe the tips hanging problem?


Jennifer L.W. Carter

Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

500B White Building
10900 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44106-4901
phone: (216) 368-4214

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Bruce Ravel <> wrote:

The second issue is known and has been discussed on the mailing list. It's one o fthe main reasons Frank made the demeter-devel package:

As for the first issue, I am not clear what exactly is happening.  This works as expected, at least on my linux machine.  Are you not able to press either of the buttons on the dialog?  Do you press one or the other and it hangs?  Does the dialog not appear on the screen?

What happens if you simply delete the autosave file?  (It should be $HOME/.horae/stash/Athena.autosave)


On 07/11/2014 10:19 AM, Jennifer Carter wrote:
I am running into the following issues (screen shots for each are attached)

*1st) starting athena from the terminal*

I get the following message but the software hangs (rainbow wheel of
death) and I am unable to advance to the main page

"Athena found and autosave file. Would you like to import"

I tried uninstalling in terminal:sudo port uninstall xorg-server demeter
and reinstalling in terminal:sudo port install xorg-server demeter

but the program still hangs

*2nd) The screens for artemis and atoms have black backgrounds so that
the text is hidden.*

As a new user I am having a hard time using the software in a semi-blind


Jennifer L.W. Carter

Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

/500B White Building/
/10900 Euclid Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44106-4901
phone: (216) 368-4214
email: <>/
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 Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
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