Dear Quiang,
basically you are asking whether the distance A-B is equal to the
distance B-A. I would say, obviously this should be the case. If
you measured both edges and you fit both spectra together you can
(and will most probably) use this trivial fact to reduce the
number of free parameters.
But, maybe that was not your question. You rightly mention the
phase shift. It will be different, however the difference should
be small. The phase shift has a Z dependency, but since Cu and Zn
are neighbours in the PSE the difference is small. So if you look
(very) closely on the not phase shift corrected FT you will see a
small difference between the respective peaks in the two FT.
You might have a look here:
Best regards,
This Message Is From an External SenderThis message came from outside your organization.Hi dear XAS communities, I have a question about whether the distance of the same path should be same in the R space for each element’s edge? For example, suppose a diatomic pair Cu-N-Zn structure, Cu-edge and Zn-edge EXAFS are measured separately and FT transformed using Athena software. Should the Cu-N-Zn peak in Cu-XAFS be in the same position with the Zn-N-Cu peak in Zn-XAFS, although both must be the same after phase correction. Thank you very much for your kind explanation. Best regards, Qiang
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