Dear Chris,

seen similar issues with Larch. The data (edge Jump 0.25), 200.k counts per channel. Used Fluorescence signal for Athena and Larch. Used the same parameter and got different result. Very similar to yours …

best regards

Stefan Mangold

Am 25.10.2021 um 14:41 schrieb Christopher Patridge <>:


I am using Larch and Athena together and I just have a question about the magnitude plots and its effect (if any) on EXAFS modeling.  Below are plots of the same merged samples using the same setting values.  I noted that the plot in Larch begins below 0 and just want to make sure this is not a setting I missed in Larch?
<Screen Shot 2021-10-25 at 8.18.41 AM.png>  

Thank you,


Dr Christopher Patridge
Associate Professor 
Dept of Chemistry
SASE 315
716-829-8096 |

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