Here are some spectra for hedenbergite, taken at BL 10.3.2 (see attached paper). The calibration is such that Fe foil is at 7110.75eV. The reason for all that ITFA stuff is that the XANES was done using a microbeam on 7 grains (4 verified by XRD) and the material has X-ray dichroism. Since it's monoclinic, the spectrum at any orientation is a sum of up to 4 independent coefficients. Thus, I used PCA and ITFA to extract 3 or 4, and averaged all 7 spots together to get an estimated powder average. Use at own risk. mam On 9/13/2015 4:25 PM, Valmor Roberto Mastelaro wrote:
Dear Collegues, I'm looking for the Fe K edge exafs/xanes spectrum of hedenbergite.
I am grateful if someone can provide me.
Thanks in advance.
Prof. Valmor R. Mastelaro
Grupo Crescimento de Cristais e Materiais Cerâmicos Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP São Carlos Tel: 55 16 3373-9828 E-mail alternativo: vmastelaro@gmail.com http://www.ifsc.usp.br/ccmc/
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