Hi Rachel,

Do you have a good idea of the approximate mass percent of the elements you’re probing.  A little more information, (edge, suspected surrounding environment) would probably get you a much better answer.  When you say ‘control the concentration’ do you mean you can dictate how much sample you put in the capillary tube or how much of the absorption element?  Otherwise, really the only answer is, “it depends.”

hope that helps,


Dr Christopher Patridge
Associate Professor 
Dept of Chemistry
SASE 315
716-829-8096 | patridgc@dyc.edu

Social: Twitter 

On Oct 1, 2019, at 1:10 PM, Wallick, Rachel <wallick3@illinois.edu> wrote:

I’m preparing for an XAS measurement in fluorescence of a solution-phase sample that will be measured in a capillary tube. I anticipate being able to control the concentration fairly easily, and I’m trying to figure out what the best capillary diameter would be. Is there a good way to figure this out?
Rachel Wallick
Chemistry Graduate Student
Van der Veen Group
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3011 Materials Research Laboratory
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