I have been given access to a Virtual
Machine (VM) with 8 GB of RAM and 4 CPU's with the hopes of decreasing
the time required to do LCF fittings. I have large set of environmental
samples from different waste streams and/or contaminate sources. Currently
I have 14 standards and I wanted to run a LCF model fitting up to 4 standards.
This results in 1456 fits if I selected "fit all combinations".
This takes about 100 mins. to run 1 samples (I have 60+ and more coming).
It appears that Athena is constrained
to using at most 25% of the available CPU and the physical memory is limited
to 22% .
1) Is there a way I could change Athena's
settings to take advantage of this VM's multiple CPU's and larger RAM?
2) Or if Athena can't handle multiple
CPU's is there a way to increase the maximum percentage of the CPU being
used? It appears that Athena is limited to accessing up to 25% of the CPU's.
One CPU of the four appears to be processing a little more data than the
other 3 CPU's (when viewed on the Task Manager, Performance tab).
When more CPU's were added to the VM, computational time remained
similar... if not worse.
3) Similarly the physical memory is
limited to 22% of available memory (when viewed on the Task Manager,
Performance tab) when Athena is running the LCF models as well. Could Athena's
setting be changed to increase the % of RAM available for LCF fitting?
4) Any other suggestions?
I spoke with my IT guy who said he believes
the software is limiting my hopes of decreasing the computational time.
I'd love to call it all contaminated dirt, rent some big equipment like
D-9 dozers, big trucks, a couple barges and dump it into the ocean... but
we don't have that much $$$ for remediation and my kids eat fish. That's
is a joke of course...
my kids don't eat fish :-)
btw Thanks for your time and for use
of the software!
Bradley W. Miller, Ph.D.
Post Doctoral Fellow
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division
5995 Center Hill Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224-1702
The great tragedy of Science—the slaying of beautiful hypothesis by an
ugly fact.— Thomas H. Huxley
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