Hi all,


I have a question regarding the chi(k) function isolation and rebinning processes. I have some data recorded in “quasi channel-cut” modus, i.e. with the mono constantly moving and the data points collected with the highest possible rate. With 180 sec measurement in yields to a spectrum of ca. 8600 point, which obviously needs to be rebinned. The rebinned data, however, does not look good in k-space even if multiple data are merged. Moreover, I have an impression that the raw spectrum in k-space does not have those 8000+ points anymore but significantly less. Is there any reduction of the data points number that is not seen (e.g. as a preparation step for FT)? Since the unbinned data has higher quality, does it then make more sense to keep using it for EXAFS analysis?


Thank you

Ilya Sinev



Dr. Ilya Sinev


Institute for Experimental Physics IV

Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Universitätsstrasse 150

44801 Bochum, Germany