Dear mailing list subscribers,

There is an opening for a postdoctoral research associate position, described briefly below (for more details please contact me).

A postdoc will investigate novel electromechanical materials using NSLS-II beamline facilities at Brookhaven National Laboratory, with primary technique being X-ray absorption fine structure. This position will be in Stony Brook University (located in close proximity to Brookhaven), under the supervision of Prof. Anatoly Frenkel. Responsibilities will include setting up new in situ operations for testing novel materials under applied electric field, developing and applying fast timing methods (such as modulation excitation spectroscopy), and collaborating with other participants of the NSF-BSF funded US-Israel collaboration. Annual trips to Israel for collaborative research will be required. Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science, and strong knowledge of XAFS experiment, data analysis and modeling, documented in publications, are required.

Three names of professional references are required with the applications that should include a cover letter describing relevant prior experience and interest in the position, and a CV with a list of publications. These materials should be emailed to  with a subject line: XAFS postdoc position.
Anatoly I. Frenkel
Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794,
Ph: 631-632-2751

Joint Appointment:
Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973. Ph: 631-344-3013. Group: 631-344-3494

Spokesperson, Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium (SCC) at BNL