Hi Zang,

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 1:17 AM, zangyp@mail.ustc.edu.cn <zangyp@mail.ustc.edu.cn> wrote:
          I am sorry to disturbe you!  Here, I am a PHD of USTC, China and I want use the Anthena tool to analysis EXFAS data, my compute is 32-bites versions, so I beg for a Ifeffit-1.2.10.exe.
Could you provide it for me? Very thanks!

Zang, Y. P.

You can find older releases of Athena and Ifeffit at https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/#old  There is a package version 0.9.25 for 32-bit Windows.  Unfortunately, we're not able to support
these older versions other than to say "upgrade to the latest version", but they do mostly work...
