

I got a new trouble by importing datafile in Athena (Demeter 0.9.26).

Athena from Demeter version 0.9.26 does not import all points from the datafile but some of them yielding a very poor resolution especially for the edge region.

The given file has 275 points and only 143points  are imported (see derivative after import with Athena(26) and with pymca were all points are imported).


Importing data using Athena from an older version of Demeter and saving the file solved my import problem temporary. But there I notice  that a priori only 202 instead 275 were imported but it was not obvious from the plot appearance that some points are missing .


I joined some screenshots as well as Athena log file after importing the data (error message about a file not found but the name in stash is not the one Athena is looking for….?). I joined both Athena file (Demeter v26 and Demeter v19 after import of the same asci file) as well as the asci file. I got the problem of “partial import” with all my datafiles.


Did somebody experienced this trouble too?


Thanks a lot



Kathy Dardenne


Operating system : Windows 7 entreprise – Service pack 1

Programme : Demeter 0.9.26 last release





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